Case Study

GoTo Foods

Boosting franchisee success and team morale with a reliable, always-on POS platform that services co-branded locations for this multi-brand portfolio.

daily service calls
0 %
more sleep with faster reports
0 hours
The Challenge

Bogged down with system crashes and service calls around the clock

GoTo Foods, formerly Focus Brands, encountered substantial hurdles with its former POS provider, which frequently went offline, disrupting operations. Slow performance, unexpected downtime, and the need to make constant support calls led to mounting frustrations among team members in this franchisee group and impacted the overall customer experience.

The lack of real-time reporting capabilities compounded the challenges, hindering their ability to track daily sales and labor costs effectively.

The Solution

An intuitive POS platform that empowers staff and reduces operational headaches

Top 10 Components of a
Unified Commerce Platform

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